Friday, March 15, 2019

Insight and Plans

     Hello and welcome to yet another posting. Life has been going, going, going, and I have been trying to keep up with its pace, but I am tired. However, I must keep on keeping on. Today was a long day, but a good day. This week was also long, but also good. This morning in class we met in groups to discuss our progress, and this gave me some fresh ideas. This insight includes utilizing sounds more, using a shatter animation for the title "Daybreak" to signal the end of the opening into the beginning of the film, and to use more props to situate the context that the main character is a spy. One prop discussed was a manila folder with classified or top secret written boldly in red on it. This prop would be shown being put in the main character's bag for the day as one of the shots to establish he's a spy.
     Ryan and I have made plans to film next week on Wednesday and the weekend. Also, neither of us are going away during spring break, so we will dedicate our time to this project. We plan on being in the process of editing by the end of spring break. I am excited for what's ahead, greatness is in the making. Soon, I will have behind the scenes pictures and footage to share, but until then, I bid thee farewell. 

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