Friday, March 1, 2019

Week Two Post #2

     Helloooo and welcome to another 'richblogdog' posting. Happy Friday, and the first Friday of March! Wow, time sure is flying by. It is my senior year too so it really feels accelerated. I am enjoying all my classes now, and appreciate all my teachers, which is why a part of me wishes I can stay in this moment for years to come, but then the majority of me is excited for my life and what's to come. However, there is still school to be had, and the end is not here yet, so I must stay on track, focused on doing my best.
     In my media studies class today, we had group meetings in which one member of each group was with others members of other groups to be fed feedback that should benefit us through discussion of our process thus far. Overall, I thought it was helpful. My group helped me develop my idea for my spy character a little more, adding comical aspects such as props to him. One idea for my film opening scene is having the spy riding a speedboat, and so my group suggested, to be safer and to add comedy, that my character should wear a funny helmet and a life vest rather than looking super serious as a stone-cold badass spy.
Possible funny prop helmet
     My group also discussed how we can best achieve our ideas for our respective film openings. We discussed our limitations and delimitations. We have two minutes to introduce an intriguing plot and characters, therefore, it is extremely important to situate the context as best you can. This means I need to provide needed background, and the best way to probably do this would be to utilize cutaway flashbacks, cutting back to the main shot, which would be the speedboat. A good example of this in action is the opening scene of 2006's "Casino Royale." I also like the idea of having dialogue to break it up like was shown in the clip, or maybe have dialogue as the voiceover throughout as if the spy was on the phone on his way to the speedboat to learn about his mission then on the speedboat he is thinking about the conversation he just had with his mission director so the voiceover will be playing.
     I am excited for what's to come, I'll keep you posted! Until next time, au revoir!

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